The Spirit of God and Bibliolatry by Charles Faupel
Ecclesia: Taking Back Our Identity by Charles Faupel
Law of the Spirit--Higher than the Moral Law by Charles Faupel
Bureaucrachurch by Charles Faupel
On Freedom and Persecution by Charles Faupel
A Confession and a Challenge: An Open Letter to My Fellow Christian Sociologists by Charles Faupel
Election 2016: A Spiritual Allegory by Charles Faupel
On Birthing Visions by Sarah Faupel
By Other Writers
The Messianic Matrix by Loren Caudill
Raising Hell by Julie Ferwerda (pdf only)
Reach for the Stars by Bill Britton (pdf only)
Revelation: Understanding the Symbolism by Mary and Ernie Kroeger (pdf only)
Metamorphosis to Glory by Oche Landop (pdf only)
The Deep by Oche Landop (pdf only)
Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross (pdf only)
Sons of God, Awake! by Bill Britton
A Closer Look at the Rapture by Bill Britton
Eagle Saints Arise by Bill Britton
Jesus~The Pattern Son by Bill Britton
The Coming Age of Miracles by Bill Britton
The Secret of Spiritual Authority by A.W. Tozer