Recorded Writings of Charles and Sarah Faupel



The Tabernacle of David
Charles and Sarah Faupel
Narrated by Charles Faupel
All files are in .mp3 format.  They can be played or downloaded to any .mp3 compatible device or burned to CD.
Chapter 1: Trouble in the Land
Chapter 2:  The Sons of Eli
Chapter 3:  The Ark Captured
Chapter 4:  The Return of the Ark
Chapter 5: The Tabernacle of David
Chapter 6: We are the Tabernacle of David!
Chapter 7: David's Tabernacle, Our Destiny


From Egypt to the Promised Land
Charles Faupel
Narrated by Charles Faupel
All files are in .mp3 format.  They can be played or downloaded to any .mp3 compatible device or burned to CD.
Introduction:  A People on a Journey
Chapter 1:  Life in Egypt
Chapter 2:  The Wilderness
Chapter 3:  Entering the Promised Land
Chapter 4:  Possessing the Promised Land
Chapter 5:  Living Conditions in the Promised Land
Chapter 6:  Life in Our Promised Land
Conclusion:  A Call to Rest in His Covenant


Rebuilding the Temple
Charles Faupel
Narrated by Charles Faupel
All files are in .mp3 format.  They can be played or downloaded to any .mp3 compatible device or burned to CD.
Dedication and Preface
Chapter 1:  The Situation in Israel: The Need to Rebuild
Chapter 2:  The Temple in the New Testament
Chapter 3:  False Starts: Laying the Foundation
Chapter 4:  Consequences of Disobedience
Chapter 5:  Getting it Right: Consequences of Obedience
Chapter 6:  A Call to Rebuild


Other Recorded Writings
Narrated by Charles Faupel and Sarah Faupel
All files are in .mp3 format.  They can be played or downloaded to any .mp3 compatible device or burned to CD.
Beyond the Sons of God  

Baptism in the Spirit: Another Look  

Hidden with Christ  

Babel or Abraham  

The Spirit of God and Bibliolatry

Breaking Down the Dividing Wall

Losing to Gain

The Bible, Honky Tonk Music and the Word of God

Ecclesia: Taking Back Our Identity

Law of the Spirit--Higher than the Moral Law


An Alternative Pedagogy for Understanding Scripture

How Shall We Then Overcome

What About Free Will?  

Made in the Image of God  

An Undignified Calling  

The Life of the Intercessor  

New Glasses  

New Vocabulary    





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